Centre "Education, Knowledge, Innovation" Research Innovation Fields
Educational and Technical-scientific Cooperation

Educational and Technical-scientific Cooperation

The core of the innovation field is the established interdisciplinary research cooperation between educational and technical science disciplines.

In recent years, an increasing number of interdisciplinary research cooperations and alliances have been established between educational and technological disciplines. This field of innovation produces knowledge on questions of the transfer of technological knowledge across lifelong educational processes in the various sectors of the education system that can be applied to educational practice as well as in the disciplines involved. In the inter- and multidisciplinary alliances, research-, development- and transfer-projects of educational science disciplines are realised, for example, with mechanical and machine tool engineering, civil engineering and computer science. The cooperation brings out a mutual understanding of the different disciplinary perspectives on the problems and creates a culture of learning from and with each other.

Working Fields and Objectives

  • Sustainable establishment and expansion of cooperation between education and technical sciences in research-, transfer- and development- projects
  • Transfer of technological knowledge to the population or the economy to stimulate social innovation processes
  • Strengthening pedagogical perspectives in interdisciplinary cooperation structures, e.g. through the implementation of educational research questions
Person in Arbeitskleidung blickt auf Roboterarme in einer Datenwolke Person in Arbeitskleidung blickt auf Roboterarme in einer Datenwolke Person in Arbeitskleidung blickt auf Roboterarme in einer Datenwolke © https://insert.schule.at/fileadmin/_processed_/4/2/csm_Herstellung_f95f64cfad.jpg
Person in a Work Outfit looks at Robotic Arms in a Data Cloud


Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak, Prof. Dr. Claudia Schomaker

