The research group combines the proven expertise and many years of research experience of those involved in the field of educational programme and programme planning research. It works to sustainably strengthen and systematically develop this method of educational research.
Programme research is a genuine adult education method that has been constantly developed and differentiated over the past decades. Through the analysis of educational programmes and offers, empirically based findings can be gained on, among other things, pedagogical planning and educational management, continuing education organisations and the shaping of social transformations about and through education.
Working Fields and Objectives
- Systematise and further develop research methods, approaches and methodological developments
- Dundle studies, results and knowledge potentials of programme research
- Use the research potential of programme archives (e.g. VHS-Programmarchiv, Weiterbildungsprogrammarchiv Berlin/Brandenburg)
- Develop thematic focuses of programme research and to integrate them into research approaches (e.g. digital transformation, inter/trans culture)

Prof. Dr. Steffi Robak, Dr. Marion Fleige
Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Gieseke, Prof. Dr. Aiga von Hippel, Prof. Dr. Bernd Käpplinger
- Research Project "Funktionen und Bildungsziele der Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung"
- Research Project "Strukturierungsprozesse und Angebotsstrukturen der Kulturellen Bildung in ländlichen Räumen"
- Event Series "Programme Research" (in planning)